What pets do you have besides chickens? Take the poll!

What pet besides chickens do you have?

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Blinky the Leopard Gecko. An extremely rare and expensive leopard gecko found lethargic and uncared for at Pecto. I chose him and brought him here. No light because it hurts their eyes/the light in my room is already enough and no heat lamp because they take in belly heat. He has a heat mat to keep warm and he doesn't need much renovation other than thinning out the substrate.

You may be thinking "Eww TGP what is that gross cardboard ball and why are you treating it like a pet"

Well, that's actually 75-200 praying mantis nymphs. That's their ootheca, aka egg sac. I'll release all but one, who stays in the larger habitat. No it won't get lonely, they're cannibalistic antisocial insects that rip the male's head off after mating.

But for now, they're boring.

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