What Really Grosses You Out?

I absolutely cannot stand larvae! I love caterpillars (and even most bugs) but larvae are different. They're creepily wiggly and wriggly and, *shivers*, squirmy.
Gaaahahaha! I can't even stand explaining them! They're especially freaky when you aren't expecting to find them. I mean honestly, who doesn't have moths in their pantry? It seems no matter how clean your house is you will always end up with moths, which means eggs, which means larvae.
And the worst thing ever is when you open a bag of food and find squirmy little worms in it.
I jump and freak out every time, and I've even almost thrown up. And it seems there is no way to get rid of moths for good. They are my arch-enemies.
Quote: Glad I'm not the only one. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I say it's disgusting.

Heh, that doesn't bother me so much. I think it's cute, just in a sort of... snake-ish way?
I just can't stand it. Especially when it's canned fruit.
*shivers* Disgusting.

Eeewww.... bleehhhh... I find that horribly disgusting. I've never liked snakes. Never liked snakes. Never will like snakes. Sorry. That's just me.
I just can't stand it. Especially when it's canned fruit.
*shivers* Disgusting.

Eeewww.... bleehhhh... I find that horribly disgusting. I've never liked snakes. Never liked snakes. Never will like snakes. Sorry. That's just me.
That is so funny, snakes and spiders don't bother me, I just get them away. But scorpions, yes I know they move slower that both of what I just said, FREAK me out! Them and red wasp, will send me running, or coming back with "bigger guns"

I was going to list the various places where it is I find them the most gross, like in a wound on a live animal, but realized ANY maggots ANYwhere gross me out.
Oh yeah.... those get me too. Bllehh.. just the thought of those creepy crawlies send the heebie jeebies up my spine.
I've been a nurse for 20 years, specializing in wound care, so not so much that way. Married to a hunter/fisher and raise our own meat. However....


They gross me out, give me the heebies like crazy.

A dog eating it's own vomit.

I can handle the vomit itself...nurse, seen a lot....but when they start recycling it I'm out of there.

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