What record keeping system are you using?

I use Flockstar and love it. They have free version and a paid version. The free version is great you can log eggs and make journal entries as well as log pictures. The paid version is really great because you can keep track of sales and expenses
I had never heard of it.
I just downloaded it. It looks like I have 5 free days of use and then I have to either pay a dollar a month or 10 bucks for a year.
I added faker info just to see how it works:
When I had a larger flock and more intense hatching seasons, I used a system of physical notebooks. Something about paper is difficult to replace. I found that nothing pre-made quite fit my needs or was flexible enough.
For those who may be looking for other ideas…I finally settled on a ranch management software. The one I chose is Ranch Manager Open. It’s not cheap, and I most likely wouldn’t have chosen it if I didn’t have cattle I was going to use it for as well (we’ve also been researching a new software for our cattle operation…this will kill two birds with one stone!) — but while looking through ranch management software I did come across some free ones and very inexpensive ones that might work for someone else looking for a way to manage pedigrees, meat production, etc. If you can get past your roosters being referred to as bulls and your hens as cows, almost all of the ranch manager softwares I looked at had the vast majority of capabilities I wanted.
I dont keep track of egg weight etc. But my personal breedings I use albums on facebook with the parent pics first then the chicks and i can add lineage to the album/hatch dates etc

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