In the Brooder
Hello: So This summer I introduced a few new chickens to my existing flock, I had 3 leghorns and added another Leghorn, one barred rock, one australorp and one Easter Egger. My existing Leghorns behaved well and did not do much bullying, they where quick to welcome the new chickens in. after a few weeks, the Australorp became a big bully and started peking the EE to the point, i had to separate my EE due to a bloody back. Once i removed the EE, the australorp started bullying another Leghorn. I had to take the australorp out of the coop for a few weeks in order to re-introuduce and hopefully she will be lower in the peking order. Things where going well for a few months but once again the same thing happened the australorp keeps fighting with everyone, i remove the bully chicken once again and they i find they are all pecking each other now.
Based on some reading I've been doing, I may need to get a rooster to keep them in check now my question is, what would be a good Rooster breed that will get along with different breed of chickens? any suggestions? Ive ben looking in to a silkie rooster but i was reading the may be too docile and get bullied by other chickens.
any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Based on some reading I've been doing, I may need to get a rooster to keep them in check now my question is, what would be a good Rooster breed that will get along with different breed of chickens? any suggestions? Ive ben looking in to a silkie rooster but i was reading the may be too docile and get bullied by other chickens.
any advice will be greatly appreciated.