What scraps do YOU feed your flock in winter?

The only scrap we give our chickens is pumpkin guts, occasionally a whole pumpkin. The hot peppers used for stewed tomatoes gets tossed to them. This is in the fall, & late summer though.
I don’t free range as much as I used to so their coop is all dirt. I throw in bur plants (with green burs so they aren’t gonna hurt them) and they also love the leaves. I also feed them wildflowers, old watermelon, I’ll bake them chicken friendly cakes, grass cuttings, mealworms and any fruit that has a bad or soft spot.
Very interested in hearing what scraps/treats other people feed their flocks during the winter.

We feed our flock less scraps than we would during the rest of the year. This ranges from old salad mixes and plain cooked veggies from that day's dinner to whatever veggies and fruits we have leftover in the fridge. Sometimes they even get leftover shrimp! They always enjoy that.
My family basically feeds them any scraps leftover, as long as they're ok for them to eat! Try some yummy snacks like cabbage, oatmeal, and mushy berries!
A little of this, a little of that...

Very interested in hearing what scraps/treats other people feed their flocks during the winter.

We feed our flock less scraps than we would during the rest of the year. This ranges from old salad mixes and plain cooked veggies from that day's dinner to whatever veggies and fruits we have leftover in the fridge. Sometimes they even get leftover shrimp! They always enjoy that.
I’m growing Microgreens and wheatgrass in 10”x10” trays that I give them after a week or so. There’s not much fresh green stuff in the snow!

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