What sex are my 5 months old muscovy ducks



6 Years
Jan 19, 2014

Both birds are the same age but one seems to have got its red features alot quicker. What sex are they please.
Fleshing can vary and while drakes usually have more than females that is not a guaranteed definer of sex. Size usually is... drakes are big, big feet, legs, chest, overall.. here below.. drake to the right, duck to the left.. same age!

How old are the ones that you posted please? The ones I put up are 5 months and are all the same size.
At that time they were 5mths lol It's an old pic but one that shows the differences well. I personally think, and i while i dislike giving guesses based on pics(because perspectives are off) lean towards those being ducks(females)

To give an example.. here is a young drake from last year... i cannot recall his exact age now in that shot, but he was hatched last March and i sold him before fall... they(at least mine) are BIG birds when drakes and that size comes on fast... 4/5mths and are distinctively males...

Here is Mabel and her brother these guys were hatched in June. I think you can tell who is who... shaping, even the head shape ...

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Rather than starting a new thread I thought I'd post here and see if anyone can tell me the sex of my new Muscovy's. I don't know their ages but they are the same size. Any thoughts on age/gender?

Rather than starting a new thread I thought I'd post here and see if anyone can tell me the sex of my new Muscovy's. I don't know their ages but they are the same size. Any thoughts on age/gender?

Looks like 2 beautiful females to me. Congrats!! the one in the back brown/white is older maybe mama to the other.
I'm going to jump on the muscovy sexing bandwagon too! We just got these two on Sunday. We were told they are both 7 month old hens. One chirps, the other hisses, but they are a bit skiddish yet.


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