What sex are my parakeets?

Both are males and the second bird is way older then 3 months
3 months they don't have a blue cere my guess is he's at least 8 months old.
If you plan on getting females look for white Ceres or tinted blue with white around the nose part or brown Ceres. :)
it's hard to tell from your pic of "Rita" but one thing to look for when determining age is the barring on the forehead. Babies stripes cover the entire head and start to fad around three months old until the forehead is clear like Dexter's. They both look male. Very pretty birds.


Females don't have pink Ceres at all, albinos, lutinos and recessive pied male budgies do. Purple Ceres is usually a younger male that has it they turn to blue as the male ages.

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