What sex are my two Gold laced Wyandottes?

This is Wyadotte number 2. Oh yea, the are about 4 months old.


I know it has a larger comb and it is a little redder but, shouldn't it be practicing rooing by now? Wouldn't it also be acting like a boy??? This is why I posted this. I really think they are both girls but, the comb really has me questioning things. I am hoping to talk to people who have owned this breed. I know some breeds the girls can have somewhat large combs too. Like I have a buff orpington hen with a very large comb. Thanks for all the help.

Shouldn't boys in this breed be getting more orange around the neck and head and where the saddle feathers should be?
I am so confused.
I think they are both female. I am not the best on this breed but I have two GLW and both look identical to these at four months. Very pretty birds

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