What sex is this rabbit?


6 Years
Apr 9, 2015

We have a 12 week old kit that we are still trying to decide on the sex. We have two other bucks and one doe from the litter. I wish this was a doe too, but I'm guessing buck. Any help is appreciated.

It was the smallest (top) one in the group. Still is.

Close up of sexing area:

Another pic.

It looks a little boyish. But not overly so. Anything happen if you apply a little pressure?
You mean push back more? It seems to turn into more of a line if I push it back any further.

But I'm not sure what you mean by pressure. This is our first litter.
Looks like a buck to me. The "slit" of a female's vulva starts just in front of the anus; if you have more than a few millimeters between the anus and the opening of the urethra, it's most likely a buck. It can be hard to tell when they are small - you can see why we joke about being visited by the "sex change fairy," can't you?
Looks like a buck to me. The "slit" of a female's vulva starts just in front of the anus; if you have more than a few millimeters between the anus and the opening of the urethra, it's most likely a buck. It can be hard to tell when they are small - you can see why we joke about being visited by the "sex change fairy," can't you?
That is a big help! Now that you mention it the does slit does start down closer to the anus on the one we are sure is a doe. And the sex change fairy makes a lot more sense now.

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