What size wire is recommended for brooder floors?

triple j farms

In the Brooder
Nov 21, 2015
I am building a new brooder box and I want it to have a wire floor. The idea is to have trays under it for easy clean up. I am thinking 1/4" won't allow litter through. But if I use 1/2" will the chicks be able to walk on it easy? Has anyone ever tried this?
I would not use a wire floor for any poultry. IMO, it sets them up for foot injuries. I'm sure there are folks who do use wire, and they are happy with it. But, I'd rather give them a nice layer of bedding to scratch around in. Gives them more opportunity to be chickens. On wire, they have NOTHING to do, which can lead to aggression. (JMHO) Easier than wire: deep litter. You can put in a layer of shavings, when it gets a bit messy, toss some more on top. Keep doing so, and I've found that the shavings will last until they are ready to go to the coop at 4 - 6 weeks. Or you can brood them IN the coop. Check this: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/yes-you-certainly-can-brood-chicks-outdoors
I just cringe at the mention of wire flooring for chickens, especially delicate baby chick feet. Is it really worth the chance of foot injuries to have a little bit of ease in poop management?

I've always provided either sand or shavings as bedding and then picked our the poop several times a day to keep things odor-free.

Next opportunity, pick up a baby chick and feel those delicate tiny feet, thin as paper, and you wouldn't want them scraping across a rough metal mesh surface.
If management of my animals can be simplified then that's great. But I think making them comfortable and safe is also important.
I also thought about building a chicken tractor with the box being used for the brooder. That way they can get outside to. But would the ground be to cold even if I put shavings in the box. Of course there is going to be a light inside.

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