What snacks DON'T or chickens like???

I'm sure someone will think this is bad, but I never buy scratch. I buy various kinds of bird seed and throw a scoop of it in the chicken run every day. They go nuts over it. I think that is one of their favorites. Between that, their regular feed, and the other treats/feed I've alredy mentioned, I have very healthy and happy birds that give me nearly two dozen eggs every week. (Four laying.) And they laid all winter, for the most part. (Pardon the spelling. Typing on my phone and it has a mind of its own!)
wow thats crazy, wait till they start packing on the pounds then they will
Ours are 7 weeks and we've only offered apples, strawberries, grapes, baked potato (no skins) and broccoli and the only thing we've seen them excited about are the grapes. I thought they'd love the apples and potato?! I've been wondering how small things need to be diced for them....I feel like I'm feeding an infant the way I'm chopping up apples and such. :)
Ours are 7 weeks and we've only offered apples, strawberries, grapes, baked potato (no skins) and broccoli and the only thing we've seen them excited about are the grapes. I thought they'd love the apples and potato?! I've been wondering how small things need to be diced for them....I feel like I'm feeding an infant the way I'm chopping up apples and such. :)

My 4 girls are 1 yr and we have 2 that are 2 yrs. They will eat everything but strawberries and I still cut the food into little pieces for them my FIL thinks I'm nuts he said that his folks just tossed out the veggies and what not and they took care of the chopping on their own. Well mine expect their food to be done right. When I toss out anything not chopped they turn their beaks up at it, but eventually they do go at it their will to eat is stronger than the persnickety side of them is. They love pop corn no salt I pop it in a popper that uses a little oil, no microwave popcorn for them, Oatmeal, grits, polenta warm in the morning is great they eat so calmly and quietly when they get this mixed with their veggies on cold mornings. They say no citrus but that seems to be a matter of opinion here as some give it or the birds go get what falls to the ground, mine will not touch an orange, apple cider vinegar is put in water so why would citrus be bad.

My husband though I fixing something for dinner but it was the food for the girls.

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