What snacks DON'T or chickens like???

Mine won't touch bananas or carrots. Everything else that we've given they either devour in minutes or let sit for an hour, then dive in.
Hi, I'm a new subscriber here... My coop/run is a chicken composting machine! It's a complete end to end cycle. All kitchen scraps, coffe grounds, grass clippings, leaves, coop litter, straw, shreded cardboard, everything goes in the open air run to be eaten and/or composted, which also brings in a lot of bugs and worms. My ladies only eat what they like or want and don't bother with anything else. I do avoid known toxic things if I can, but they really don't even touch that stuff if it's in there. First thing they devoure is egg shells, and they love leafy greens, fruit especially watermellon and rinds. They won't touch any citrus.
The only thing I have found so far that my chickens won't eat is tomatoes. They get trampled under foot. They do eat bananas but their absolute favorites are kale, mealworms, and oatmeal. They also love yogurt, lettuce, carrot peels, buttermilk, and cheese. They go mad for scratch but don't get this everyday. They get more greens since they can't free range. Does anyone know if you can buy crickets at the bait store and feed those to them? I know they eat crickets but are these okay for them?
The only thing I have found so far that my chickens won't eat is tomatoes. They get trampled under foot. They do eat bananas but their absolute favorites are kale, mealworms, and oatmeal. They also love yogurt, lettuce, carrot peels, buttermilk, and cheese. They go mad for scratch but don't get this everyday. They get more greens since they can't free range. Does anyone know if you can buy crickets at the bait store and feed those to them? I know they eat crickets but are these okay for them?

Crickets are good protein for them and I usually get mine from a pet store! Nothing like live crickets to get a good frenzy going!
I found out today that my chickens don't like pop corn, but they do like plain corn!!
Picky chickens these days, lol!!

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