What sorts of food and treats can I get from the yard?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 14, 2010
I played around today by seeing if the baby chicks would eat worms, and they took off like a hockey game, chicks running all over the place snatching worms from each other, apparently it was a hit. I am wondering what other options I have for scavenging vegetation or animal foods from my yard for the baby chicks?

*Edit* oh, on a side note, they are also eating the strips of paper i shredded for bedding in some cases...it doesn't seem to have caught on much before i put down some leaves over top of the paper shreds, but will this hurt them (the ones who did eat)
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We have no treats in our yard yet nothing but snow and what was small patches of grass which is now mud. Little chickies love meal worms they don't cost that much at the pet store.
Any ideas how long worms take to replenish their numbers once i lift up an old carpet or log and grab all the ones I can find?
I dont think it works like that. I've found cardboard or dark plastic will bring them to the surface if it is warm enough. I usually get them out of our compost. My chickens are on the dumb side, if I try to hand them a worm they turn their beaks the other way, lift something up and they gooble them down go figure.
my chicks have learned how to eat worms and LOVE them when I can find them. I am wondering what other sorts of things birds would naturally eat, I've heard they eat green plants as well, could I chop up grasses for them as an addition to their feed? etc?

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