What Special Treat or Yummy Did Your Flock Get Today?

semi rotten cherries with a worm treat inside! We froze the bad cherries when we canned them earlier this year, so the girls get Popsicles in the summer heat with a treat inside!
Canned tuna, and last night they got some yummy steak. I'm tellin' ya my girls are strictly meat eaters! Won't touch veggies with a 10 foot pole lol
cluckiemama, I once attended a seminar where it was suggested that treats should constitute not more than 10% of the chickens' diet. It makes a certain amount of sense in that the processed feeds are formulated to meet the dietary requirements of chickens at all their various stages and situations. Too many treats could certainly upset that balance.

I try to vary my chickens' treats -- protein one day, fruit the next, followed by veggies and then protein again.

Today my girls got carrots. I thought raw carrots would be too hard, so I chopped them fairly fine, microwaved them and cooled them. They are not as thrilled with carrots as they are with grapes
(little nutritional value there). But they could not be less impressed than they were with garbanzo beans yesterday.

Tomorrow, apples.

Our girls got watermelon rinds (I have never seen them eat anything so fast!), steel cut oats and some fresh corn on the cob... plus, whatever delicious morsels of insects and vegetation they managed to wrangle up while out foraging! Great thread... love all the ideas... some of these things I would not have considered giving them. They really don't like cabbage or lettuce, guess they have more of a "sweet tooth"?

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