What spider is that?

Wanna know something really gross, (viewer discretion is strongly advised)
A Missouri woman went to the doctor with what she thought was water in her ear and left with a terrible, eight-legged surprise diagnosis. Doctors found that a brown recluse spider — a poisonous arachnid — had actually lodged itself in Susie Torres' ear, likely while she was sleeping
Wanna know something really gross, (viewer discretion is strongly advised)
A Missouri woman went to the doctor with what she thought was water in her ear and left with a terrible, eight-legged surprise diagnosis. Doctors found that a brown recluse spider — a poisonous arachnid — had actually lodged itself in Susie Torres' ear, likely while she was sleeping
(found it on the internet)
Black widows an Brown Recluse are the only spiders I will kill. I have kids.
I would kill the recluse spiders i find in my house, because they can get into your bed and bite you overnight when you accidentally squish them. Black widow spiders won't come into your house unless everything is flooded outside, where there's more immediate dangers to care of.
Both spiders won't attack you and bite only as a very last resort.
I flick any kind of unwanted guest out of the windows and when a duck happens to be near by, bad luck…
And for your kids, ticks are a much bigger threat!
Wanna know something really gross, (viewer discretion is strongly advised)
A Missouri woman went to the doctor with what she thought was water in her ear and left with a terrible, eight-legged surprise diagnosis. Doctors found that a brown recluse spider — a poisonous arachnid — had actually lodged itself in Susie Torres' ear, likely while she was sleeping
I believe that I heard about this one.
*Shudders,* creepy!
Wanna know something really gross, (viewer discretion is strongly advised)
A Missouri woman went to the doctor with what she thought was water in her ear and left with a terrible, eight-legged surprise diagnosis. Doctors found that a brown recluse spider — a poisonous arachnid — had actually lodged itself in Susie Torres' ear, likely while she was sleeping
Don't believe everything what the TV stations are broadcasting! I think it is highly doubtful that this:
could fit into a human ear-canal. And calling a Brown Recluse spider »highly venomous« is a shameless exaggeration. I have been bitten by a brown recluse spider, the venom is not causing any pain, just a swelling like a mosquito bite (from a really big mosquito) - the important thing is to disinfect the wound asap! The saliva of Brown Recluses often contains staphylococci bacteria which can cause a nasty infection and skin-lesions.

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