what the chances my hen has Marek's Disease

Ok my 8 month old hen has been showing signs of mareks for over 3 weeks now and not getting better. She has leg paralysis and can't walk. We have tried vitamin c and deworming her. I'm sure it's mareks. She's eating and drinking but I don't think she will ever walk again. I have decided to put her down today. This sucks and I have been crying.

Ugh I'm so sorry. It's so hard to make that call, especially when they're eating and drinking and seem plucky enough. But I think it was the right call -- my research said that even if they recover from the symptoms, they never regain use of whatever was paralyzed. I recently had a young pullet who was much the same -- eating, drinking, happy enough to try to hop around some. I gave her 10 days but came to the conclusion that there was too much going on for her to recover from (she seemed to also have nerve issues and wasn't pooping right). The lab confirmed COD as Marek's, so I was glad it wasn't something I missed and could've treated, and also now I know for sure how to best handle the rest of my flock.

But that doesn't make it easier. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I just went through this with a one year old hen. She became wildly uncoordinated, and could sort of drag herself around using her wings. I put the water down low and she was able to stay hydrated, but couldn't eat. She remained like this awhile, just pooping bright green bile. I left her alone because the other hens were being very gentle with her. After a couple of weeks, she started getting a little stronger and would eat a tiny bit. Her head was jerky and she tried to cluck but it was just a raspy whisper. Now she is eating like a champ. Her ability to walk came back slowly. She still has to steady herself with her wing from time to time. The other day, she showed off for me and flew up to a low perch and was able to stay on. She walks kind of pigeon-toed, but is back to her happy self. I'm glad I just left her alone to heal.

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