What the hatch is going on at the Purple's house??? UPDATE-100% HATCH

Hey PC congrats on the hatch. I guess you like that new bator. I told you when you go it you'd like it. I know I love mine and it's the only bator I've ever gotton 100% hatch from.Good luck with all those chicks!

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Hey PC,
Congrats on your successful hatching! I'll probably give it a try once my daughter gets a bit older so she can really enjoy the experience.

And since you seem so desperate, I'd be willing to risk life and limb and take some of those evil silkies off your hands. I'm local - no shipping and putting the postal workers in jepardy.
Just let me know...

Love the seedlings too. I've always wanted to collect seeds- but never seem to get around to it.

Thanks for all the pics!
PS Do you work for Tower Gen?
Hi Terry,

Yes I did work for Tower. Seen my white van? I covered Fairfield County myself.
I changed companies, and industries just last week.

We are keeping the silkies but I just put 12 more silkies in the bator today so I
may have extras in 3 weeks.

It's the Rhode Island/Barred Rocks that hatched today thet I'd like to find
a few homes for. I have too many. Cmon, your daughter will love them and
they are great layers.

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Hi Terry,

Yes I did work for Tower. Seen my white van? I covered Fairfield County myself.
I changed companies, and industries just last week.

We are keeping the silkies but I just put 12 more silkies in the bator today so I
may have extras in 3 weeks.

It's the Rhode Island/Barred Rocks that hatched today thet I'd like to find
a few homes for. I have too many. Cmon, your daughter will love them and
they are great layers.


Hey Don,
So it is you that are evil - not the silkies! Chicken pusher. I just ordered 6 chicks from the feed store(RIR, SLW, and EE). It was about one year ago that I was saying to myself, "3-5 chickens would be fun. I can handle that" Now I have 7hens, 1 roo, and 6 chicks on the way. Egad. So, I would totally consider a RIR/BR or 2(pullets) if you could find it in your heart to consider me for 1-2 extra silkie pullets. I lost my silkie hen last Oct. to a hawk. I felt terrible. She was the like the little sister of the bunch. Anyways, I know at some point I will be getting more silkies. (just not white ones. Something a little better camoflauged)
OK. Even if you don't have extra silkies, and you are desperate, I'll take some of the crosses off your hands. sigh. Who needs a backyard anyways??

Maybe you've been to our house? Tower put our generator in and we have the maintenance contract with them. That would be too funny. Maybe it was my roo that you heard...
Well thats darn scary - change locks........................ install a new alarm system....

You'll wake up tomorrow and have a little box of chicks in your living room!
Terry, PM'd you and figured out who you are by your avatar. Wow she is getting
big. What a little sweetheart.

I've been to your house a bunch of times. This is too funny. Small world.
Your roo was probably one of 3 or 4 I heard in Weston. That's amazing.
Well thats darn scary - change locks........................ install a new alarm system....

You'll wake up tomorrow and have a little box of chicks in your living room!

I know! I'm in deep now! BYC is bad enough. Having a local chicken pusher is going to get me in real trouble!
Terry, PM'd you and figured out who you are by your avatar. Wow she is getting
big. What a little sweetheart.

Hey Don,
And that pic is from last spring! She's growing too fast. I can tell she's going to be just like me too. Sneaking in animals, wanting her "own" pets. I'm so in trouble. But she is a sweetheart.

Hey PC............. Do you mind me asking how much you paid for your new fancy bator? How many eggs will that model hold? I still can't decide what kind of Bator I'm going to get when I decide to buy one.
Thanks, Kim

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