What The Heck is This??!!

And one other suggestion about that crate she is in...seems like there might be enough room to put a temporary roost between the bars? Then you could see if she is up on the roost (more normal, I would think) or needing more warmth (down on the heating pad)...how'd she like the blow dryer?

Good idea!!

She didn't mind the hair dryer, actually! I turned it on and let it sit for minute for her to get used to the noise and then just put in on the floor. She didn't mind :)
Good idea!!

She didn't mind the hair dryer, actually! I turned it on and let it sit for minute for her to get used to the noise and then just put in on the floor. She didn't mind

See, I think you guys are bonding
If she does pass, don't hesitate to take her to the vet to have her necropsied. It will tell you for sure what was wrong or if it was something else entirely. In medicine it's called practice for a reason. If you ever have something similar happen you will be better prepared.
If she does pass, don't hesitate to take her to the vet to have her necropsied. It will tell you for sure what was wrong or if it was something else entirely. In medicine it's called practice for a reason. If you ever have something similar happen you will be better prepared.

Sounds good :) Do they charge for that? Not that you can really put a price on having the knowledge I guess, just curious and want to be prepared for the cost ;)
Also, from what I've read if it's an egg issue, it's likely that it's a chronic thing is that correct?
Yeah the bath thing-I *might* need a sedative to get that done ;o And I don't want to hurt her, you know? I might be able to catch her myself, maybe, but chasing her around the coop with the off chance I can catch her I'm afraid will stress her out more? Or she'll hurt herself trying to get away. My new chicks that I have WILL be able to be picked up to at least examine them when I need to, because this is ridiculous. I feel helpless here

Oh and also-the thing I pulled out of her last night, if she's egg bound what do you think that might have been? Or maybe it broke in there? Would that cause pushing as well?
You can also put her in a nice warm steamy bathroom. Put the kennel in a small bathroom and run a warm shower for 10 minutes or so so the bathroom is nice and warm and steamy. When I had an egg-bound hen my vet actually recommended doing that as it can also help relax the muscles.
You would know when you felt her if there was fluid. It usually looks distended. If she is still feeling poorly, keeping her in a warm dark kennel will help. Keeping the lights low can interrupt the laying cycle so her insides can heal without the annoyance of passing another egg(sometimes they lay anyways but it helps keep them quiet). Egg binding can also cause serious issues. There are a lot of posts on egg binding all over these forums and it can happen to anyone. Not being there myself means it can be hard to really diagnose things. If she is egg bound, you should be able to feel an egg in the abdomen.

So when you say abdomen-when I was feeling around on her it was her rear end area like under her vent and then down a little. Are you meaning like under her breast area? Or clear under between her legs? (I feel like an idiot asking this question lol!)

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