What The Heck is This??!!

that was funny about the hubby!

Just make sure she is warm in the garage, the MHP would be good now...
Yeah I don't have another MHP though :( The chicks are still using the one, may have to order another HP from Prime and get it here ASAP. I don't need to make it domed do I? Just flat so she can sit on it? Guess I never thought about needing it for an adult bird. I have just a regular heating pad under the kennel now, but it shuts off after 2 hours so I have just been kicking it back on, except at night.
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I'm in Lockwood, East of Billings. My grandparents live in Evergreen Terrace near Kalispell. Your bird sounds like it is doing much better!
I'm in Lockwood, East of Billings. My grandparents live in Evergreen Terrace near Kalispell. Your bird sounds like it is doing much better!

Thanks @Bantambird ! I know whereabouts your grandparents are...my best girlfriend is in Billings and I am going on a trip with her in two weeks! YAy! and totally off-topic...I lived in Billings from 92-97...if you come to visit let me know! You know how nice it is here in the summer!!
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I think the regular heating pad like you are already doing is great if you just keep kicking it on....don't have to do the whole MHP...you are just making sure she is warm-ish in the garage....
Luckily the temps are supposed to be between 65-75 for the next week at least, but I'll put the HP under her again or just buy another one that stays on...

One concern, we have mice...our cat got hit last fall on the highway :( So there are mice in the garage :/ Time to put out some poison before she goes out there and hopefully get them dealt with. I've read on here that mice can chew on chickens feet??
Nonono, don't poison them, actually chickens will eat mice too...so you don't want her getting poisoned! That is more likely than nibbling on tiny chicken feets...they would have to get under her feet whike she is on a roost, which she is not...I would try and trap them instead, I know, yucky...but my mother trapped several in HER garage last summer, AND she had a (worthless) cat...and it worked....

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