What time of day do the lay?

most of my girls lay before noon(some I think before the sun is all the way up) Most days I have gotten all my eggs by 3pm, there are days that I might get an egg after that but not to many.
I have 36 Golden comets. I usually gather the eggs around 9, and they all seem to finished by then. I collect between 31 to 33. I then check later in the AM and will find 2 to 3 more.
I have to say that I never in my wildest dreams thought chickens were anything but chickens. My hubby says I now have more pets! My 5 little girls all have personalities and they are all just too sweet. I have one that when I squat to give them a treat, she squats in front of me and let's me scratch her back. Just too cool.
It's so funny you saying that about one of your hens squatting for a scratch - my Rhode Rock Nigella does that! She laid for the first time at 21 weeks on Tuesday, between 1 and 5 in the afternoon, then lay again at some point between 9 pm last night and 8 this morning. Random!
We are first time chicken owners. Before our girls started laying my husband and I sat down to make a chore chart for our kids. We assumed that the girls would lay early and that it would be someone's job to go out before school and collect the eggs. Ha. Most mornings there are no eggs before 9 am. It seems that most are laid between about 10-2. If a girl hasn't laid by 3 or 3:30 then we assume she's skipping a day. We let then out to free range in the afternoon, but not until we are sure everyone that's going to lay has done so- usually about 3:30 or 4.

Maybe real farm chickens lay early, but mine seem to know that they're suburbanites!
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