What to do for a sore throat?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
I have had a bad sore throat for a few days now. I went to the doctor and they did a strep test and they said it came back negative but they will send it to the lab to be sure. It hurts too bad to talk, swallow and when I open my mouth it hurts the back of my throat. I have been taking some tylenol and it does help some. Is there any home remedies that I can do? I already tried gargling salt water. It helped for a minute but now its back and all I can taste is salt

Any other ideas?
Just hold the honey in your mouth. Just straight honey, don't dilute it. As you hold it in your mouth, it will trickle down. It is very soothing.
Ok. I tried the honey and oh my god does that taste bad!
I put some honey on a spoon and but it in my mouth. I had it in there and then I swallowed it. I almost gaged...

My throat still hurts. I just had a popsicle... That helped a bit but not for long.

Edited for typo's.
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Honey and cider vinegar, half of each. Take a couple of soup spoons full about 3 times a day. Cures sore throats and prevents them. Local raw honey and raw vinegar are best, but just mixing up the store stuff works too.

My kids all hate the taste, but they take it in the winter because it works.

Hope you feel better soon, sore throats are no fun.
People at the Waldorf school where they're all into "natural" remedies swore by cleaning the ears at the first sign of illness. We used DeBrox ear drops, like for swimmers' ears. By the time the drops are done crackling, foaming, then rinsing in the shower we're so distracted we forget the sore throat. The warm shower always feels good anyways.

sore throats may be caused by chemical burns inhaled, too. Have you been exposed to fumes? Is your car exhaust OK, going out in the right direction or is it getting up into your drivers' seat?
My mom had one and the strep was negative.Pain continued and only got worse. Ended up getting antibios for an infection and she was pain free by the next day. I usually do extra vitC and garlic and a swish of water with grapefruit seed extract added. If the pain does not get better by day three I get checked out.

I would opt for the numbing stuff too.

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