What to do when chicks hatch?

Flock Master64

Jul 24, 2016
Surrounded by the Amish
Hey guys, I have a broody buff brahma. She's been sitting on 5 eggs for about two weeks. Maybe a little more or a little less. I'm not really sure what to do with the chicks when they hatch. Should I just leave them alone with momma ? Also I have my brahma in a pet carrier inside the coop.. I want to move her Into the garage or house so I have easier access to her but I'm worried about scarring her off the nest or breaking or hurting the egg. Thanks.
I haven't experienced this myself, but I know that broody hens can make really great mamas. You should be able to just leave the chicks with her if you like. I currently have a broody hen who will go to the same nest wherever I put it, so I think moving her will be alright as long as she feels safe where you put her.
I would leave them with the mama, and I'd leave them in the coop. Leave the door to the pet carrier open so she can take them out when she's ready. So far this year, I have had one broody hatch in the main coop, no separation at all after the babies hatched. She had them out in the run by the time they were 24 hours old. She kept them away from the other chickens at first, but within a couple of days, that little family was out scratching and pecking with the rest of the flock, no problem.

The second broody I let hatch is a younger bird, so I was thinking maybe not as high up on the pecking order, so I separated her and the chicks for a few days before integrating them. They hatched on Tuesday, I kept their part of the coop closed off until yesterday. When I opened it up, she ventured to the other side of the coop, but didn't go outside. Today they were outside with the rest of the flock, even near one of the older birds without getting scolded.

My third broody is in the main part of the coop so she'll be integrated as soon as the chicks hatch. I really do like that plan. The first year I tried it, the hen was killed by a raccoon when the chicks were about 5 weeks old. Not a problem! They were already accepted into the flock, so they had no problems.
Alright, thank you. Is there any kind of vitamins or something I need to get the chicks?

My broody is the lowest on the pecking order unfortunately :/ so do you think I should move her out of the coop?
Alright, thank you. Is there any kind of vitamins or something I need to get the chicks?

My broody is the lowest on the pecking order unfortunately :/ so do you think I should move her out of the coop?
If there is a way to separate her and the chicks within the coop, I would do that for a few days. Just until the chicks are strong enough to stay with her and follow her around and stay with her a little better. By removing her entirely from the coop, you'd have to totally reintroduce her to the flock again.
I have 5 hens and 1 roo. I'm raising two hatches which are now 5 weeks and 2 weeks old. Both have been raised their by mamas, the 1st is 8 chicks in a small separated area with a mini coop. The 2nd is 3 chicks in the main coop.

I am just now integrating the 8 chicks and mama into the main coop. The 3 chicks and mama have always been in the main coop. I can tell already the integration of the 8 is going to take some time and be a little work retraining the chicks where home is.

Not had any notable problems with different aged chicks around each other or amongst the adults. But I have Orpingtons and they're supposed to be be on the gentler side anyway.

I am dedicating my little broader coop area to our Silkies. All my "big" chicken hatching will now be done in the main coop.

I have another thread with more about my hatches and some pics here:

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