What to do with all these Silkie roo's?

tht is what is goin on here my poor girls are so stressed out they have no peace what so ever. they are bald and tired and the boys just won't leave them alone. I don't have the room to seperate the boys from the girls but i like your playpen idea. I am gonna try on craigs list. ty for sharing your story with me

Sure!!! I hope you can get rid of some!!!
I can post a pic of the pen if you want? It is nothing secure enough for night time but it gives them some peace for awhile. I put mine back in the coop every night. I used a big old doghouse and then like then just put some fencing up around that. I now have girls running to me when I open the coop to take them out and my blind girl does ninja jumps when I put her in so I know they are much happier! LOL
I did it myself because my husband had surgery the day before and I could no longer take the girls being as stressed as they were!
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tht is what is goin on here my poor girls are so stressed out they have no peace what so ever. they are bald and tired and the boys just won't leave them alone. I don't have the room to seperate the boys from the girls but i like your playpen idea. I am gonna try on craigs list. ty for sharing your story with me

Sure!!! I hope you can get rid of some!!!
I can post a pic of the pen if you want? It is nothing secure enough for night time but it gives them some peace for awhile. I put mine back in the coop every night. I used a big old doghouse and then like then just put some fencing up around that. I now have girls running to me when I open the coop to take them out and my blind girl does ninja jumps when I put her in so I know they are much happier! LOL I can post a pic of what I did if you want?
I did it myself because my husband had surgery the day before and I could no longer take the girls being as stressed as they were!

YES PLEASE post a pic!!!! I would LOVE to see it!!
Notice the rooster patrolling the outside!
He does that from the time I let them out until I put them back into the coop! LOL Since this picture, I have put up more tarp from the doghouse all the way over to the others side. The stakes are those garden type things, I believe. I had bought them last year and didn't use them so I put them to use. The fencing just slips onto the little hook type things. It was actually easier than I thought and I was done in no time. Surprised myself! It was very well worth it to do this in just seeing them be able to do their hen thing and not be cowering in a corner somewhere!. Before I did this, they couldn't move because the roosters would be right on them.


Oh this is a WONDERFUL idea!!! LoL not a happy roo lol I get so sad for my lil hens same thing they can't make a move without the roo's on top of them sometimes 2 or 3 at a time.
Did you get your supplies at tractor supply or someplace like tht? THANK you so much for sharing this with me Your silkies are gorgeous
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Yes I did get the stakes and the fencing there. I had the wood laying around and that worked perfectly for this. Oh, I forgot to mention I also used zip ties to help secure the fencing on the stakes too just in case it would slip out of the hooks.
Oh yes! That makes me so mad when they gang up on one like that!!!! I just can't believe over half of my hatch ended up being boys! I had 19 roosters at one point!
What a cool playpen for the girls! Roos are a pain in the neck for the poor hens! I had some roos to get rid of and someone put an ad in CL wanting roos. If not I was going to post a want ad in the Asian market store for my Silkie roos.
Yes, they recommend 1 roo for every 10 girls and this way they won't be so stressed. That is a lot a boys you have for so little girls! Some of my boys are good and actually protect my girls from the others when they are around so I believe I can keep more roos than what is recommended if they keep behaving themselves. My girls were starting to lose weight too and they really filled out since I got them separated. I was getting very worried about them.
Actually, so far my spring hatch is better and I am getting many more little girls so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed you get all girls! ;-)

reereechickens...thank you! I am trying to get them homes right now because most are good roos, they just need their own flock of girls. All are very people friendly so I would like to try to find homes if I can but I do realize there might be a time I have to look at other options too.
Well i just finished puttin Romeo up on Craigslist just put one up to see how it goes. I am gonna head out to tractor supply in the morning and put tht up tomorrow. My baby girls will be so happy!! LoL i have 52 baby chicks in my dining room at the moment!! Altho the first batch are fully feathered now and can go out to the coop. Hubby built a new one for me I LOVE silkies and frizzles I see you have partridge tht is my next choice of color for silkies. Right now i have blue black white and splash
Well i just finished puttin Romeo up on Craigslist just put one up to see how it goes. I am gonna head out to tractor supply in the morning and put tht up tomorrow. My baby girls will be so happy!! LoL i have 52 baby chicks in my dining room at the moment!! Altho the first batch are fully feathered now and can go out to the coop. Hubby built a new one for me I LOVE silkies and frizzles I see you have partridge tht is my next choice of color for silkies. Right now i have blue black white and splash

I bet they will love it! You have to post a picture of when you get it done with the girls in it!!!
Oh my! 52 babies! You are busy!!!
My favorite silkies are the partridges!! I have a really nice boy that is the one going to the little boy this weekend. The partridge boys are gorgeous actually. I like the whites but I don't have any. I know they wouldn't stay nice and white here! It has been way too muddy here so far. My broodies have hatched a bunch of chicks and I still have 3 broodies to go and it looks like I have 3 new little partridge chicks so far.!

I can't wait to see your pen when you are done! Your girls will be so much happier especially when they learn they can bounce around in there and not have to worry about the roo's. It might take them a bit but they will get the hang of it!!!

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