What to do with DOGS

not angry... just can't stand people who presume to sum another person up by a post or even mis-typing... Why would i state i am knowledgeable about firearms anyway???? do i have to post every variable so someone does not come along to BLAST me about something... So, no angry, just sick of people who think they know everything - must be nice to be in a position to correct the world around you....
And your post makes no sense... i didn't accuse you of being angry - so why start - me thinks you are the angry one here... hmmmmm
Please - just go forth and correct the world... there are so many of us out there who need it....
A slug in a shotgun will do in a bear as will some of the larger buck shot loads.

If you knew anything at all about shotguns and how far they can shoot you'd not be saying what you are.

As in all cases when you use a weapon you need to hit a critical spot in order to kill.

ETA: Just so you understand one of the 16 guage full choke shotguns that is standing in my den closet has downed an adult male black bear at further than 30 feet.
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You asked and answered the question.... if you read through other things I wrote here... I did rescue dogs for YEARS..... you know, the dogs no one wants and they get discarded because idiots buy them thinking they are cute little puppies, stuff them in a kennel and go to work all day and never spend any time potty training or behavior training, then dump them on society!!! Well, i use to do that.... fix other's problems.... and i was DARN good at it too if i say so myself... I probably just got burnt out on DOGS coming first... rescue dogs have so many issues usually that they require an enormous amount of attention - as my health failed and my daughters did and i had less time for the dogs, it became clear that my priorities were messed up.... I gave back my last rescue dog about a year and a half ago - she was a neurotic little poodle. But, I gave her back house broken and much less neurotic, and with a list of things she would need to be comfortable - such as a VERY quiet home without a lot of activity - as long as i worked with her, she could not get use to chaos. Whatever happened to her in her little life before made her already nervous nature a wreck.
So, that is about it........ too many needy dogs that were messed up by BAD owners... I chose not to deal with them any longer - and i don't want them in my yard - period... except my neighbor's dog - I like her
She never comes all the way onto my property - just looks over at me and I say, "go home" and she wags her way home.... if only they all did that.... you know, you say, "GET" and they do....they don't go over to your propane tanks and PEE on them! or CRAP on your lawn for you to step on...

Now it makes sense, thank you
I didn't read all, generally lots of times I don't have time and I just respond to what I have written and the response

As far as the issue of the pee and poo - oh yes I am with you on that one. I own a small general store, and me and my dogs live on the property. What do you THINK happens here? It's ALASKA all dog should RUN FREE - even if it's right on the highway. Morons. Of course, once a dog is let out... BEELINE for my place. I am fortunate in that we have LARGE windows and I catch each owner as they are letting them out. Often my comment is "I have SEVEN dogs to clean up after, I don't need one more."
Wow, well you need to read up on shotguns, they are use all the time for big game....SLUGS.......

If you could see what a slug does to a deer at 100 yard. Lot of States thats the only gun you can use to hunt big game.
Can we try to shot near the dog to scare it off. Being the owner of two dogs, that I love as much as my chickens, I would be out to get the person who shot my dog dead without allowing me the chance to stop them form being a problem. I seem to hear a lot of kill, kill, kill everything that may be a threat to our chickens, granted I don't want mine to be killed either, BUT WHO KILLS THE MOST CHICKENS IN THE WORLD- we do, the humans!! and most of the time these food stock chickens are treated poorly while they are alive and we humans don't say a word as long as that treatment keeps the price per pound down!
I have lost well over 100 birds over the years, so no warning shots here...I shoot to kill. A woman just got attack by 2 dogs here today(Dayton), she was just walking her dog. Police had to shoot one when they attack the police, that came to help her.

If people don't want their dog killed, keep them under control. What would be better if owner got a few days in jail for their dogs running loose.

Whats kills the 2nd most chicken and even some people too. DOGS DOGS DOGS
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Well... seeing you DON'T KNOW ME thanks so much for the lecture... i mis-wrote bear ok??? BE NICE.......... or don't you know how? Most of my family are cops and my son is becoming one... i have been shooting for over 35 years....... So, i've been around a FEW firearms. so sorry to disappoint you.... we have plenty of guns and DO know how to use them.... But thank you for your concern.... How NICE of you....

oh and i didn't say the shotgun was for me did I???? the most i might be able to shoot right now one of our 22 rlfles... the 30-30 is too much - i can't even shoot any of the handguns we have either... i am aware of kick....

How about we ALL be nice, op included! When you post on any forum you are going to get responses that may not suit you to a T. That is the problem with written communication. Points and tones may be taken completely different then intended. It's easy to reply gracefully, no reason to lash out.
Wow, well you need to read up on shotguns, they are use all the time for big game....SLUGS.......

If you could see what a slug does to a deer at 100 yard. Lot of States thats the only gun you can use to hunt big game.

Thanks for this... i am not a hunter at all... just like to shoot - am familiar with safety issues etc... but certainly not an expert on what gun to use for what issue. I appreciate the response. it really wasn't the issue either. i just was spouting about getting the shotgun - it was what an exboyfriend years ago used for hunting and a friend of mine was an avid bear hunter and i swore he used a shotgun - but not being a hunter - I have no idea
I like wildlife being in my yard actually - and wouldn't bother a bear unless it was trying to get IN the coop. I had more issues with bear when i lived in the center of a town than i do out here!
the response was really toned to lecture me and was NOT nice - and i should have just ignored it and taken it as it was - someone that needs to correct everyone. it wasn't written to be a nice warning of we might hurt ourselves if we do this - if you read it - it is pretty harsh and hard to take any other way. but thank you for pointing out that i should have just ingnored it and moved on. But, as a hunter pointed out - the person is wrong anyway... soooooooo moving on.........
i hope!
I have lost well over 100 birds over the years, so no warning shots here...I shoot to kill. A woman just got attack by 2 dogs here today(Dayton), she was just walking her dog. Police had to shoot one when they attack the police, that came to help her.

If people don't want their dog killed, keep them under control. What would be better if owner got a few days in jail for their dogs running loose.

Whats kills the 2nd most chicken and even some people too. DOGS DOGS DOGS

Oh my goodness! That is horrible! Dogs can be really scary! the one dog in the yard was a big dopey one, but the other one - a terrier mix of some sort made me really nervous with its behavior and how it was circling the coop! Our son was attacked by a German Shep years ago... it would be nice if people would keep their animals in control as the law states...

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