What to do with eggs?


Small jars of pickled eggs make nice gifts for friends and family. I sometimes buy a flat of bantam eggs from a neighbor because little eggs, pickled or just hard boiled, make great snacks for kids and are so cute. I steam them so they peel easily.
I'll try pickling sometime, I'm not a big fan of pickled eggs myself but mayhaps someone else would like them :)
It has been fun trying to figure out a way to get rid of these eggs lol. Who knew that would be the largest problem with raising quail. So here are my ways to use them. House hold favorite way is just hard boiled. Put the eggs in cold water in a pot and wait until the boil starts. Then set a timer for 3 mins cool, then peel. We always have a sandwich bag full of these things in the fridge for a quick snack. I would say the next on the list is french toast. 15-20 eggs mixed with some half&half and a table spoon of vanilla and its go time. I recommend buying a few sets of quail egg scissors. You can find them for less then $2 on ebay and it is way faster then trying to crack a quail egg. We use them so often we have 4 now lol. Want to get high class? Get a papa murphy's pizza with creamy garlic or olive oil garlic sauce. Then have them add Cheese then bacon, canadian bacon, or sausage.(depending on taste preference). I also like to add mushrooms sometimes. When the pizza is 6 to 7 mins away from being done pull it out and dump as many eggs on it as you wish. This is breakfast pizza on crack!
I've read that you can just use them similarly to chicken eggs, with a ratio of 3 quail eggs to 1 chicken egg.

However, I can say that they definitely make a nice addition when used as a hard-boiled egg in some soups or stews.
Oh, and they are nice to add to a Cobb salad too. Fun for a kids harboiled egg lunch. We dye them sometimes, you can remove the spots by soaking in vinegar for a few minutes (after boiling), then dyeing just like your normal Easter eggs. Love to make a dish called Eggs in Purgatory. :) Simmer/poach the eggs in a spicy tomato sauce then serve over pasta or warm crusty bread. Make tiny baked potatoes, cut in half and scoop out middle, crack an egg into each and sprinkle with black pepper. Bake until at the point you like, sprinkle cheese or parsley over the top and serve.
Shakshuka (sp?) I think is the Arabic/Jewish version of Eggs in Purgatory. But I like the "Catholic" version too. Tiny scotched eggs are good too ( boil, form a ball of sausage around them, bread them and deep fry). Gee, can you tell I'm hungry? Mmmm. My quail are on winter break, can't wait until they get to work again!!

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