what to do with new hatchlings


In the Brooder
Oct 17, 2015
Hi, I have had chickens for 3 years now but this is my first post. Several weeks ago I decided, since I had a broody hen, that I would let her sit on some eggs and hopefully get some new chicks. So far two of them hatched last night, one is pipping now, and one pipped but was not viable when I saw it this morning. There are 8 more eggs under her that I don't know if they are viable or not. I'm not candling them because they are Black Copper Marans eggs and green/blue Ameraucana eggs that I'm sure I couldn't see through the shell. My hen wanted to sit on these eggs in one of the nesting boxes that is about 4 feet off the ground. Some other people tell me not to worry about it and she will get her new chicks safely down, but I'm concerned they will fall and of course don't want to move all of them if the eggs aren't done hatching, (which I don't know how long I should wait after the first have hatched). The other question is if I should let her raise them among the other hens, (15) and a rooster. I was thinking I would set up a safe area that the chicks could get into through a cinder block open so they can get to their own food and water and seek refuge from the other hens for a short time. We are in an area that I can't let them free range unless I'm outside with them because of coyotes, so they have a large chicken coop and a large run. Thank you for your help I gratefully appreciate it!

What day is it now? I would leave them to about day 23-24 and then relocate the chicks and mother into their own seperated section from the rest of the flock as i have had hens and roosters try and kill chicks. Is this everything you wanted to know?

Also fell free to ask me any questions you may have.
Thank you for your response. I believe it's day 23 but one just hatched a couple hours ago. I was expecting them days ago since it's been very hot here. I think I would feel better to separate them from the rest of the flock, but a couple of my friends say to just leave it up to mom to defend them. It will definitely be more work to separate them. So in their area do you think giving them a warm spot like a nesting box on the ground that is caged in is required?
Howdy jbrox30, Welcome to BYC and congratulations on the hatch!

I agree with chicken111324 that day 23-24 is a good time frame to wait until giving up on the remaining eggs. However, your broody may decide before then that they are not viable and leave them to raise the little ones she has.

With the 4 foot drop, do you have anything you could put under the nest box to cushion the fall? I have a small ramp down from my broody box but also fashioned a ledge under it, about half way down, so if they do fall off the ramp, only drop as far as the ledge. Maybe a cardboard box of some description or a pile of bedding material or something soft.

Whether you leave them with the flock or separate them depends on your flock and their mum. With my flock I learnt early in the piece that any mother and babies would need to be separated because with my first hatch, mum had trouble keeping them all in check and because they are so tiny, one peck from a grumpy Aunty can be fatal.

Also, while they have no trouble following mum down the ramp, not so much going back up I have had mumma hen sit at the top of the ramp, encouraging the chicks to follow her; no problem if they have their own separate area, not so good if they are in with the flock.
That's a good suggestion Teila with the ramp or a cushioned fall. I may try that or make a makeshift nesting box in a separate area and move everything over. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Thank you drumstick diva. Just watched the 4th coming out. Definitely the highlight of my day!

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