what to feed meat chicks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 7, 2011
I just got so cornish rocks chicks what should I feed them I wouldn't think you would want to feed them chick starter which is medicated .
If you haven't gotten them vaccinated for cocci (must be done in the first day or two of life) then you should go ahead and give a medicated feed that is for preventing cocci. They are very dirty birds and will poo like crazy and they will very likely get it...which could wipe out your whole investment.

If they have been vaccinated (I get mine from Murray McMurray Hatchery because they will do it for you), then you can go ahead and feed non-medicated feed. Dumor brand from Tractor Supply is what I use. I called them and confirmed that it was non-medicated, as was indicated on the analysis tag. Only chick feed is medicated as cocci is pretty much a chick problem.

Feeding a high protein feed is necessary to help prevent leg problems in Cornish X. Feed them as you would turkey poults. I get the Dumor 24%. For the last 2 weeks of their life, finish off with 20% chick feed (helps them not be overly fatty at processing time.) Males will butcher between 6-7 weeks of age and females between 8-9 weeks.
You can have both Mareks and Coccidiosis treatrments done at the hatchery.

Not my cup of tea for my birds, but both are available.
Matrix, are feeding a medicated feed? We aren't with our current batch but we did have the cocci spray done at the hatchery. We have ordered the next batch without the spray and want to use non-medicated feed. I saw in another thread that you are raising your birds organically so I assume you aren't using a medicated feed. Are you taking certain steps to keep their brooder cleaner or is it an issue for you at this point?
My local feed & seed store sells a locally milled "Chick Starter / Broiler Ration". It is a 21% protein and non-medicated. They said use it start to finish for broilers.

I'm using it now on my first batch of Cx... 1 week olds.

I was surprised at how finely ground it is. This stuff if more fine than the Purina Chick Starter I feed my layers... which is a crumble.

The Cx chicks don't seem to mind the fine ground... but how about when they get bigger? Will more be wasted because it's so finely ground?

They will waste more in a mash than pellets. Be cautious about locally milled feeds. Have the feed analysed some time. Some mom and pop feed mills cut corners so they can compete with Purina or Payback on protein levels. A local feed mill was sued by a hatchery over low protein that was lower than the tag guaranteed. It was 9% instead of 20%.
i use calf manna and turkey or chick grower pellet's , i just mix them together , if they leave the calf manna just wait a little while they will eat it . i have really good success with this

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