What to say about poo on free eggs?

i hate to break it to her, but ALL eggs have poo on them whether you can physically see it or not. their feet go through poo, then they touch poo, poo comes out from same area etc.

e-coli is everywhere and the biggest offender....YOUR KEYBOARD. so, poop is on everything. she better buck up.
*next day* Oh by the way -(insert name)- I spoke to my hens about that egg you mentioned, they sent this one to make up for it.

Then hand her a nice new egg, a 'easter egg' if you have any, or a nice dark brown, or any other 'differen't' one you have... possibly with a ribbon tied around it's 'belly'?

OR hand her a chocolate egg, I mean a real chocolate one if you can easily get one, a cadbury or whatever.

Since this is a boss person, don't do any of this or say anything if any resentment is going to leak into your voice. (I speak from experience) Even subtle nastyness can jump up and bite you in the backside. Keep it fun, keep it friendly, they will either get the hint, or not, but you be nice and have fun, your ulcers will thank you.

I agree about not bringing this person any more eggs too though, just say you're hens haven't been laying very well and you just don't have em.
Some people can be totally unappreciative!! We gave free eggs once and they had the nerve to say the eggs were too small. They were free!! And to boot they were some of my girls first eggs, so they were actually lucky we even gave them away!! Some people think everyone owes them something, and appreciate nothing!!
wow I think her comment was kind of rude. Is there a chance that she just doesn't have any idea how a "real" egg looks if all she's ever had is store bought eggs.

My reply would have been "they don't say fresh from the chicken's bum for nothing"
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I would explain to her that IF you do wash them it gets rid of the protective bloom layer and that is not a good thing. Then tell her you would be glad to take the eggs back and SELL them! Some people are just plain rude
I was about to say the same thing. I tell everyone who I give or sell my eggs to, not to wash them until they are ready to use them because of the bloom. I make sure that i don;t give any that are really dirty. I don't care about that, I just wash it right before I use it and keep those ones here.
I would definitely offer to take the eggs back.
some people are just really unappreciative.
When I give my eggs away, I warn the person that I do not wash them until I go to use them. Then I explain that by washing them first, they go bad a lot faster. I haven't had a problem with anyone complaining. I try to make it a point to mention that before I give them the eggs so there are no surprises. Some people that have never lived on a farm really have no clue and I try not to hold it against them!

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