What treat did your chickies get today?

my girls got a snake today. it was obviously a treat as far as they were concerned. you could tell because of the ruckus they raised chasing each other to get it.
it must be spring because my cat has brought in three snakes this week. just garden variety & no bigger than a pencil, but i prefer my snakes outside thankyou.
Have found a few new treats (thanks to this thread) that my girls like.
yesterday was scrambled eggs, mixed with crushed egg shells, cooked
oatmeal and chopped cilantro. They turned their beaks up at first but when
I went back out, it was gone.

Today, they went crazy for green grapes. Our grandson was laughing so
hard when they were chasing the grapes and gobbling them up. I love
when we find something they enjoy.
It was really nice out today, and my chickens were all out free ranging. I gave them some bread and cracked corn. Sadly the nice weather isn't going to stay... It's going to snow over night again.

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