What treat did your chickies get today?

So here is my "I almost got goodies to my chickens today" story. I cleaned out the fridge of leftovers. There was some chicken noodle soup (I know), beef and veggie soup, pork loin with veggies and salmon and quinoa. I mixed it all in a bowl and heated it up. I then transferred it into a big rubber feeder pan and walked to the coop. Halfway to the coop the chickens start bawking at me all excited for their hot breakfast! About that time my sweet 1 year old German Shepherd, Milla came from behind me and jumped up and nose bumped the pan, sending it up in the air and over turning. She caught the pork loin mid air while the rest of it rained down on her head and back. If I hadn't been so mad I would have laughed so hard.

The dog was put in the house and the chickens were let out to gobble up what had been scattered all over the ground.
thanks! do you let them eat out of your hand or do they peck your hand as well?
I let them eat from my hand and yes, they'll peck your hand and/or grab your finger. I soon realized I was training them to expect treats from my hand and setting a bad precedent. The girls when free ranging would peck my hands treats or no treats. They still get their treats but the hand feeding has been cut back severely. I'm the first to admit I enjoyed the interaction though.

Here's a short thread on the subject, https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/647880/hand-feeding
I let them eat from my hand and yes, they'll peck your hand and/or grab your finger. I soon realized I was training them to expect treats from my hand and setting a bad precedent. The girls when free ranging would peck my hands treats or no treats. They still get their treats but the hand feeding has been cut back severely. I'm the first to admit I enjoyed the interaction though.

Here's a short thread on the subject, https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/647880/hand-feeding
Okay, how do you give them treats? do you just throw the treats on the ground for them?
Okay, how do you give them treats? do you just throw the treats on the ground for them?

Yep, pretty much just throw it on the ground, they don't really seem to mind. When they get oranges sliced in half I do have to take sharp stick and pin the orange to the ground. Otherwise it gets turned over and they lose interest.

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