What treat did your chickies get today?

Fresh popped popcorn, 4 slices of bread, yard clippings, pear peelings from our home grown pear tree, one grub worm and the hit of the day, a half dozen fat huge grasshoppers that I managed to catch near the garden.
The hens did not touch a large zucchini I hung for them. Guess they want it chopped?

Mine birds will eventually eat full uncut zucchini, cucumber, and yellow squash or similar, but it usually takes a day before they go for it, and it's usually the guinea fowl that rip into it not the chickens... If I actually want all the birds to dive right in I have to at least slice it length wise exposing the inside, or run it through a food processor, and even then it's not their favorite treat...
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I pulled some weeds from our lawn and dropped them in the run. It was look out! They munched on them for an hour straight. Then they waddled around like they were overstuffed after Thanksgiving dinner. They attacked the greens like they were meal worms!
It's been a vile, wet day here in the UK...none stop rain from morning till what's now early evening. My chucks all free range during the day so have spent most of today hiding under trees, sheltering in the garage and generally moping about! I just gave them boiled plain pasta with a can of tuna mixed in and a few eggs scrambled up....it was all gratefully received!
Oh, I'm so jealous of your rain. I'm babysitting my 3 year old twins at the beach & it is almost 105. It's supposed to be 108 tomorrow, so we'll head home early tomorrow to take care of my pullets. They'll need some ice in nesting boxes & water. 117 in Palm Springs!

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