What treat did your chickies get today?

Jalapeños and plump red vine ripe tomatoes - they attacked them like they were starving.
Peaches that the squirrels took one bite out of and dropped on the ground ......  the squirrels are far too well fed. :mad:

We had a little peach tree at our old house, the squirrels would pluck in clean using the same one bite method, but worse they would then proceed to filling our gutters up with the half eaten peaches and pits... At our current place we have a large black walnut tree, and the squirrels have turned the turf under the tree into a mini exploded mine field doing their best to bury every flippin' walnut that falls or is knocked off the tree...
I've got the walnut tree AND the peach tree ...... and a mulberry and a chokecherry ...... neighbor has 2 apple trees and a peach tree 20-30 feet from my property ........ squirrel heaven ... though they spend almost no time on the ground in my yard (almost zero digging), because they know I'll shoot them with my bow if they tarry on the ground ....... and they also understand that I will not shoot at them in a tree (can't have arrows coming back to earth Godknowswhere) ....... funny how that works, huh? They tear up the neighbors yard and garden, but mine....not so much!
and they also understand that I will not shoot at them in a tree (can't have arrows coming back to earth Godknowswhere)

Get some flu-flu arrows, I used to hunt squirrels with a bow when I was younger they work well at reducing flight distance... I also used to make small bean bag blunt tips that I rubber banded on the end to cover the large rubber blunt tips for the flu-flu arrows to shoot down the wasp nest in the high eaves of the house and barn ;)
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