What treat did your chickies get today?

Does anyone give their chickens bones with meat on - like a leftover ham bone or turkey carcass??

Hey frogman I do not personally because anything bigger than bite size [except watermelon] is a chicken trap in the eyes of my spoiled, fussy princess bantams
However, I do know of others who do.

If I may, a word of warning on the ham, in moderation due to the salt level.

Talking about bite sized .. I shared a funny story that some of you might like if you have not seen it:

Lucky chickens! Do raw cranberries need to be chopped?

I suppose there is always a risk of them choking on the whole ones, but I regularly feed the birds whole table grapes as well and have not had issues, so I fed them whole and they ate them... I spent enough time chopping the celery, broccoli and zucchini that day as they are reluctant to eat those items unless I chop them up, ironically though they will tear into whole cauliflower like piranhas, makes little sense...

Sadly after getting produce that the grocery store throws away (inspired by you), I was told it is against their policy to donate it as someone who received free produce complained their animals got sick. I haven't tried again.

Yeah, sadly there is always someone that wrecks it for others... Lots of stores have similar policies for fear of being sued, especially the chain stores, ma/pa (especially ethnic owned) are best, from my experience...

If it doesn't offend you, there is always freeganism (aka dumpster diving) it's becoming quite popular in some areas, with dedicated communities and groups that actually get together and do it as a team...
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