What treat did your chickies get today?

I bought them a bunch of fresh organic collard greens and grated them. One of my EE hens was on her way in the box to lay,.When she saw me coming with a bag she came running down the hill to the gate. She was so excited she dropped (laid) her egg right at my feet
I was having this issue this past spring/summer. My Polish always had a messy butt. I used to give them one or more treats daily, now I only give a treat every few days and she has been much cleaner. Melons, cucumbers, and foods with high water content often cause loose stool.

I sure hope it works. I've had to bring her inside to wash her a half dozen times. So for now, only the right before bed treat. Interestingly, when I let them out in the morning, there is no loose poop on the roost boards.
I sure hope it works. I've had to bring her inside to wash her a half dozen times. So for now, only the right before bed treat. Interestingly, when I let them out in the morning, there is no loose poop on the roost boards.

I hope it works for you too. It can take a bit of time. It's so nasty when they get dirty down there... Moisture and bacteria builds up and then they stink. Blech. I would have to go and cut some of her feathers because water and wipes wouldn't clean it.
I hope it works for you too. It can take a bit of time. It's so nasty when they get dirty down there... Moisture and bacteria builds up and then they stink. Blech. I would have to go and cut some of her feathers because water and wipes wouldn't clean it.

She doesn't stink -- yet. But poor thing, when she takes her dust bath, all that dirt sticks to her butt feathers. I have brought her in the house and washed her in the laundry room sink using just warm water and a cloth. And then I dry her with a hair dryer set on low. She is remarkably well behaved, but I don't like to have to do that too often. Fingers crossed.

PS - about how long did it take for yours to clear up?
She doesn't stink -- yet. But poor thing, when she takes her dust bath, all that dirt sticks to her butt feathers. I have brought her in the house and washed her in the laundry room sink using just warm water and a cloth. And then I dry her with a hair dryer set on low. She is remarkably well behaved, but I don't like to have to do that too often. Fingers crossed.

PS - about how long did it take for yours to clear up?

At least yours behaves. Mine would kick and jump when I tried to clean her. And I'm wxctly sure... It was so long ago and I wasn't really paying attention to when it exactly stopped. Maybe about a month?
I hope this is the treat given to your chicks today thread..... Anyway it's not a profit thing with me right now it's I really enjoy my pullets and their eggs they are laying. I give the girls meal worms every morning. Yesterday was an all time high count of 13 from 14 girls.
I'm going to stop with the treats for a few days. My BR has some soft poop, which she gets from time to time. So no treats for a while, except maybe some mealworms right before bed. Poor chicken - she is really healthy otherwise, but this soft poop business is no good. She's got kind of a gross rear end. Going to have to bring her in and give her a butt bath -- again.
I was having this issue this past spring/summer. My Polish always had a messy butt. I used to give them one or more treats daily, now I only give a treat every few days and she has been much cleaner. Melons, cucumbers, and foods with high water content often cause loose stool.
Noticed my BR is getting a not so tidy bum too, haven't had any problems before, but I've given them kale the last couple of days and she really eats her share (top girl), wonder if it is making the poo runny(for her)?. They are used to having a lot of green stuff, but not kale. Ugggh. She has sooo much fluff back there. Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow and I can maybe sneak her in an clean that behind. I don't really mind, but I've never had to clean any of my girls before, so not sure how she will take it.
Noticed my BR is getting a not so tidy bum too, haven't had any problems before, but I've given them kale the last couple of days and she really eats her share (top girl), wonder if it is making the poo runny(for her)?. They are used to having a lot of green stuff, but not kale. Ugggh. She has sooo much fluff back there. Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow and I can maybe sneak her in an clean that behind. I don't really mind, but I've never had to clean any of my girls before, so not sure how she will take it.

The first couple of times I cleaned her, I did it outside. I had some wet cloths ready to go and I held her on my lap with her wings pinned and cleaned her that way. It wasn't the most efficient, but I think that might have primed her for the inside jobs. The most uncomfortable part for her is when I carry her from the coop to the laundry room. She is kind of scared of going through the garage. But once I get her inside she behaves pretty well. I make sure I have a few sunflower seeds to keep her occupied if she gets antsy.
The first couple of times I cleaned her, I did it outside. I had some wet cloths ready to go and I held her on my lap with her wings pinned and cleaned her that way. It wasn't the most efficient, but I think that might have primed her for the inside jobs. The most uncomfortable part for her is when I carry her from the coop to the laundry room. She is kind of scared of going through the garage. But once I get her inside she behaves pretty well. I make sure I have a few sunflower seeds to keep her occupied if she gets antsy.

Yes, I would prefer to do it outside, but yesterday it was a high of around 27*F and I thought it was just way to cold. It noticed it before sundown and it would have been dark when I put her back in. I was afraid even if I dried her well, the shock from the warm house and hair dryer she would chill. Things just got in the way today, it was warmer, but now it's dark again. She is not really bad, but I know she is going to be cleaned up soon, so hoping for a morning that is warmer so I can dry her up and put her back in the pen with sunshine.

Today I limited the treats pretty well. Just a bit of morning cracked corn (cold this morning around 21*F), then a little oatmeal before bed.

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