What treat did your chickies get today?

Yes, I would prefer to do it outside, but yesterday it was a high of around 27*F and I thought it was just way to cold. It noticed it before sundown and it would have been dark when I put her back in. I was afraid even if I dried her well, the shock from the warm house and hair dryer she would chill. Things just got in the way today, it was warmer, but now it's dark again. She is not really bad, but I know she is going to be cleaned up soon, so hoping for a morning that is warmer so I can dry her up and put her back in the pen with sunshine.

Today I limited the treats pretty well. Just a bit of morning cracked corn (cold this morning around 21*F), then a little oatmeal before bed.
Have you tried simply cutting her a sanitary path? 3 of my 20 chickens would regularly have poop in their feathers, I had them checked for worms but they did not have any. My vet and some people on here told me some chickens just do that. I did not like to see it so I took a sharp pair of scissors and trimmed a path from their vents straight down. I did not even take it to the skin but left about half of what they had. Problem solved!
Have you tried simply cutting her a sanitary path? 3 of my 20 chickens would regularly have poop in their feathers, I had them checked for worms but they did not have any. My vet and some people on here told me some chickens just do that. I did not like to see it so I took a sharp pair of scissors and trimmed a path from their vents straight down. I did not even take it to the skin but left about half of what they had. Problem solved!

That's a good idea. The thought did cross my mind, but I wasn't sure if that was a no no. I think I will try that, she is such a fluff bum, I really need to do something.
Thanks Samantha!

Today I gave them some cabbage that they normally turn their noses up at, but...since they got limited treats yesterday and DH gave them just a smidge of corn this morning, they ate it
I suppose they figured that this was it and they had better do something with it, LOL.
Well my stuff from Doctors Foster and Smith got here yesterday or the other day but hadn't given it yet sooooo...

They got peanuts in shell, cracked corn, black oil sunflower seeds, grey striped sunflower seeds, and some mealworms. I got canned ones so nice and juicy unlike dried one . That's all that stuff then I added a bit of oats on top and two pieces of bread.

They LOVED it! I took a handful of each (equal to probably 1/4 cup each item), put it in a plastic cup and sprinkled it outside. They loved it.

Gonna start giving some BOSS and corn every night or every morning or both.
Well my stuff from Doctors Foster and Smith got here yesterday or the other day but hadn't given it yet sooooo...

They got peanuts in shell, cracked corn, black oil sunflower seeds, grey striped sunflower seeds, and some mealworms. I got canned ones so nice and juicy unlike dried one . That's all that stuff then I added a bit of oats on top and two pieces of bread.

They LOVED it! I took a handful of each (equal to probably 1/4 cup each item), put it in a plastic cup and sprinkled it outside. They loved it.

Gonna start giving some BOSS and corn every night or every morning or both.

Do your chickens eat the peanuts in the shell? Mine love the peanuts, but if I throw them out with the shell still on, they just stand there and look at it.
The wife came home with what she thought was hamburger. After reading the package, and learning it was heart meat and soy gunk, I cooked it up for the birds. I'm surely not eating that junk.

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