What treat did your chickies get today?

Neighbors gave me a bunch of wild apples to give to my goats (in moderation). I threw a few to the chickens. Once they get them started, they have a great time with them! My poor duck has to wait until one of chickens opens one up, since she can't. But it usually doesn't take long!
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spaghetti squash from the garden, broccoli from the garden, a few left over tomatoes, and left over spahetti and sausage.

I am sure they will pester me for beer later on too.
scratch is basically a crumble textured chicken feed.

The treat my chickens got today- I didnt kick their butts for pooping on my back steps. Stinkers have decided to roost all day on the top step.
It's just nasty.
Mine had some apple peelings leftover from me making applesauce, a banana (no peel), BOSS and some split peas.
Let's see...older bananas without the peel, some cereal the grandkids left that we will never eat and a few over ripe tomatoes.

Almost forgot, they also got a coffee can full of crabapples...they love them and always fuss and fight over who gets them.

I have pretty much not made compost since having chickens...they get all the scraps!!!
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No it's not, and not a feed either. Scratch is a mixture of grains and oats, typically consisting of cracked corn, barely, wheat, oats, and other assorted things. Typical feed store scratch is a mere 9% protein. Unless you make your own or get a better quality scratch, It's a TREAT only. It is ment to be thrown on the grown to give the chickens something to "scratch" for.
Some sprouts from the landscaping where my daughter threw down a ton of scratch. Grrrr.

And some celery that froze in the bottom of the fridge.
My girls got warm porridge today to give them a bit of warmth as its getting quite chilly here now. Didnt last long though

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