What treat did your chickies get today?

Meal worms and French fries..

My first time ever giving them meal worms... $7 for 500... too much?!?

You should grow your own. Super cheap to do that, and there are lots of threads on here on how to do it. I have a large-ish shoe box of wheat germ and started it with a little tub of 500 worms from petsmart. It was a challenge to not give all 500 to the beady little eyed chickens that were begging for them...but now there's plenty to go around :)

Here's another link that someone posted in one of the forums...very instructional:
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Our chickens are getting the leftover pork roast, with carrots, peas, and potatoes all in it from the fridge today. Think my family would have eaten that... they didn't. To the chickens it goes!
OK why is it that my chickens will not eat any of the treats mentioned here on this forum? I tried blueberries, tops of strawberries, blackberries, hung a broccoli from a rope, oatmeal....they ignore all these treats but they do gobble up their scratch and corn and other seed treats.

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