What treat did your chickies get today?

My daughter accidently picked up hamster treat sticks instead of guinea pig treat sticks in the supermarket, the guinea pigs hated them so I hung them to the wire in the coop and my five ladies and they loved them. Kept them busy for ages. Was funny watching them act so curious as to what I was leaving them :)
today they had left over cooked white rice for the first time. Since it's nutritionally void I mixed it with lactose free kefir milk and chopped cucumber. They seem to love it but have been splashing it all over each other when they do their little shake to bite pieces off.
As close to Shepherds pie as they're going to get: Corn on the cob and mashed taters!! They LOVE corn on the cob. They're usually eating whatever I'm eating. I share.
Canning so mine got all the extra goodies! Tomatoes(which I don't normally give them) cucumbers, jalapeños, cilantro, cantaloup, all kinds f goodies! Oh and I Maude's mash with diatamous earth crumble and watermelon juice!
My boss purees all kind of fruits and veggies for her baby so now my chickies get the peels, heels, etc. yesterday the had summer squash and zucchini peels and butts. I think they got used to me sticking lettuce through the poultry net and now every time I give them something new, I have to stick some through the net so that they know it's edible lol

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