What treat did your chickies get today?

Lettuce, kale, tomato and chicken [Yes, I know
Its okay I have given mine some chicken before (maybe it was an accident)
Mine got about 1/2 cup of leftover brown rice, 8 leftover green beans, and a little bit of leftover chicken. They got to free range in the vineyard, so they ate as many grapes as they could reach. Jumping chickens are funny. Tonight they will get a few mealworms.
Yesterday afternoon, my rabble got courgette, garlic, cold mashed potato, coleslaw, kiwi and pears. All chopped up after the fridge was cleared out. I was surprised the raw garlic and courgette (they usually only eat it boiled first) was eaten but it was.
Big green beetles. There was a half a melon sitting in the sun and it was literally filled with them as they were feasting. I filled a quart Mason jar over 1/2 way with them and then distributed them between the 2 pens. I don't need to tell anyone how fast it got busy in both pens. If there is anything they love more than fresh fruits and veggies, it is anything with 6 legs and live.
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Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, corn, pears, apples, beans, yogurt, milk, fish, salmon skin, cucumber, soy sauce, rice, cheese, parsley, clover, uhhh.... I cant remember everything!

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