What treat did your chickies get today?

Bagful of peppers
My birds had grass & bugs this evening, as i let them out for a bit to free range, and they also had some watermelon and green grapes. They really love watermelon, green grapes, green beans & dried meal worms.
Our five girls got handfuls of meal worms(can't believe my GF actually had them in her hands as she is seriously creeped out by these bugs), Left over Pineapple(1) rinds from our garden, and soda crackers (no salt) that I happened to have in my hand as we checked them for the 20th time today.
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How old are your chickens Sassysouth?

Ages 7-9 weeks. I put a slice of watermelon in their run yesterday and they acted like it was a hatchet. I got 2 of them to take a nibble off my finger, but they wanted nothing to do with it. I have tried yogurt, blueberry muffin, peas & carrots, They just let it sit till it is overrun with ants.
Lol Sassysouth i know exactly how u feel! The oats i offered today were treated like nuclear missiles...nevermind the sand i gave them...hot lava
. Heres hoping time passes and they get used to it all. Until then its their mash and tiny seeds.
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