What treat did your chickies get today?

Scratch, uncooked brown rice, lots of grapes and a banana. They are looking a little thin, I think, even though their regular food is available on demand. It's getting cold and I feel so sorry for them huddled in their coop. At least the wind if off them.
They probably need more snacks.
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Mine just got green leaf lettuce. Last night they had whole grain brown rice with some shredded mozerella cheese. I'm trying to get them to eat more of their feed. But it is getting cold so tommorrow they may get something warm. Oh and before I called chick chick night night they had some BOSS and rolled oats.
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The last watermelon and man it must have been good one of my girls is all sticky! Tomorrow they are getting leftovers that my family wont eat! We had stew last night which I turned the left overs into a casserole and my husband says 2 nights is enough! Please don't make us eat it again...so as I was pondering what to do with what's left I thought about the chickens...I think they are better than dogs at cleaning up! We'll see in the morning.

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