What type of feed should I give my chicks?

Zara and Elke

In the Brooder
May 25, 2020
Hi,I have been on the lookout for chick starter that is organic and preferably meat free (unless meat is a good thing to feed week old chicks?) and have found it really hard to find anything close to what I am looking for.Does anyone have any tips on what brand to get them and if I should be feeding them starter with meat in it?
Also, I am about to get some 6 month old pecins, point of lay, and what would be the best feed for them? thanks! Zara :frow
Hi,I have been on the lookout for chick starter that is organic and preferably meat free (unless meat is a good thing to feed week old chicks?) and have found it really hard to find anything close to what I am looking for.Does anyone have any tips on what brand to get them and if I should be feeding them starter with meat in it?
Also, I am about to get some 6 month old pecins, point of lay, and what would be the best feed for them? thanks! Zara :frow
I used Purina start and grow organic crumbles. They really like it.
No real feedback as far as brand preference, most brands of feed are perfectly fine, but chickens are omnivores so animal protein is actually a good thing... if you can find it. Pretty difficult to find feeds nowadays with animal protein in it.
Hi,I have been on the lookout for chick starter that is organic and preferably meat free (unless meat is a good thing to feed week old chicks?) and have found it really hard to find anything close to what I am looking for.Does anyone have any tips on what brand to get them and if I should be feeding them starter with meat in it?
Also, I am about to get some 6 month old pecins, point of lay, and what would be the best feed for them? thanks! Zara :frow
Given a chance to free range, or even be out in a chicken yard, chickens will eat things like bugs, worms, grubs, flies, even mice or small snakes. Chickens are not vegetarians. Why do you want non-animal product feed for them?
I have heard that they will peck each other more if they eat meat, but am not sure if that’s true or not...

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