What type of food should I feed my chicks?


7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
I haven't officially received my chicks yet but was wondering what type food would be the best to give them. We are on a slight budget have about $80 or so, but we have already taken care of the coop. It doesn't matter if it is organic or not because we are not on a fully organic diet.
You need to give them chick starter feed. It is formulated for them. Make sure it is chick starter. Either medicated or non-medicated is fine. Your choice which you want to use. You will see lots of opinions in these forums of which to use. I personally use Purina medicated chick starter.

You did not mention how many chicks you are getting. $80 will buy a LOT of chick starter feed. I am assuming that you already have a brooder setup including the heat lamp. Even if you don't you should be able to setup the brooded and buy plenty of feed for your $80.00
I'm also waiting for my first chicks to arrive and was going to ask this same question. I also wanted to know if there was any reason not to give the new chicks any treats? When would be appropriate to give mealworms or a little dandelion or greens? Are their systems delicate? Do they get diarrhea easily? Just wondering if there is a timeline like we humans have on when to add certain foods. Thanks.
I usually wait until they are at least 7 days old before introducing any treats. And make sure that you are providing them Chick Grit before you give them any treats. I put some in a bowl and leave it in the brooder 24 x 7.
Everyone has their own way of doing things. I've been feeding Purina flock raiser to my chicks, they've been on it since they started eating. I've been offering treats since they were reliably eating their feed and drinking water on their own, so day 3-4. Just make sure when you offer treats to offer grit.
I agree with Dingo that everyone has their own way of doing things!. When I got my chicks, I was told that they didn't vaccinate for cocci in the summer so I had to give them the medicated feed. I did just that until they started laying when I switched to lay mash. They are all just fine and thriving!
It costs me about $20.00 a month to feed mine. I give them orgaic feed that I hand mix myself, along with some scrambled egg, and kefir(yogurt would be good to). Plus, I put a little ACV and garlic in their water, and some D.E in their food.

Good luck with your new babies! :)
I've always used Purina Medicated Start and Grow and then switch to Purina Layena when they reach laying age. Never had a problem. I don't mess with treats but once they reach laying age I do start throwing them some scratch.

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