What type of hay to use for the nesting boxes?

Hi - I just normally use a grass hay for my chickens, but I mainly use shavings for the boxes actually putting hay on top of it in their box. Main reason is my chickens will eat all of the hay up while they are sitting in their boxes. They think it is heaven - resting and eating all at the same time - what a life. Do not need to leave to get my meal :).
Hay can be problematic as a bedding material because it is very dusty and birds respretory systems are much more sensitive than ours, I would recommend wood shavings, wheaten straw or chopped dust extracted straw as a bedding material.
We use white towels in our nesting boxes. The hens love 'em! We take them out and shake them daily. - wash them once a week (hot water and a few drops of bleach). - a broken egg necessitates washing that day. We have never had any issues with mites or dust. -works well for us even though it is unconventional.
Do you get the idea we use a lot of different things? Wood shavings, straw, hay, Spanish moss, shredded paper (don’t use newspaper, the ink stains), pieces of carpet, various bags, rags, oh the list goes on. I cut long stems from mature grass (call it hay), dry that, and use those. There is not one thing that is best, it’s what works for you. Personally I like cheap or free.

What are you using as bedding in your coop? That might work.
Thx everybody on the suggestions. I have been raising them with kiln dried pine shavings so i'll give that a shot for now. Been weary of hay from the moment I first heard of it.
These are some really great ideas that I had not considered - thank you! I also learned a whole bunch and will try some of these suggestions.
I use course pine shavings, only because the hens pull straw out.

Straw, by the way, is better than hay as said above, it is less dusty, as well as being softer and more absorbent. Unfortunately it also can have stray grains left in it, which the hens love to pick out - scratching the hay all over in the process.

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