what weird thing have you done with your chickens?

The Burger King Drive-through cracked me up, too! I can just see the shocked looks on the employee's faces!!
every Saturday, my mom and i give our sultan a bath since she is all white. one day it was cold and she had broken blood feather and was a mess. we gave her a bath, took her inside the house, built a fire and let her warm up and dry off in front of the fire and eat a crepe. it was adorable!
If we had a chicken diaper (so our girls wouldn't poo everywhere, because all they do is POO!), I would soooooo do all of these! Especially have a chicken brought to church. I would get my chicken baptised LOL!
Once I brought my 6 hens and one roo home the day I got them, I was in. My wires car because it gets better gas milage then my truck. The rooster took a big dump on the back seat. I was going about 70 mph down 65 north. I heard the dump before I smelt it. I'm glad I had a sheet over the back seat. Anyways the windows all went down a little and sunroof opened up real quick. That put a end to the chickens in the car.
Just a little add on to the Burger Kking horse drive through.....the employees were certainly entertained, but were none too thrilled about the drool left on the window and table area. My horse LOVES french friies!
Alrighty, lets see.

I have:

Walked around with a chicken on my head.


Dressed zip up for Halloween and taken her Trick or Treating.


Taken Puffles to Petco on her chicken harness.


Painted Lucy's nails at the Finger painting section of the Pumpkin Patch.


Taken Lefty for a ride in the car.

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