What will it look like?

New here and just got my very first chicks. This one was in the Rainbow Layer Assortment. What do you think?

I think Super cute!!!
Got some better photos of our Mystery Bantams tonight....
Little black Bantam face...
Cute little black bantam. He is my favorite!
???Bantam 2
Got some better photos of our Mystery Bantams tonight....
Little black Bantam face...
Cute little black bantam. He is my favorite!
???Bantam 2
I have no idea what they are, but your mystery bantam #2 and mine could be twinsies. I wish someone knew what they were!!!!
Yes, one and two look almost identical. I can't even tell them apart. My daughter can though. One's name is Chip, the other is Dale.
looks like the lighter yellows are leghorns (probably white leghorns) and the ones with the striped are amauracanas(spelled that wrong lol) / easter eggers.I can't tell what those gold-ish ones are though

Anybody got an idea on gender in these? i know they aren't good angles for sexing but its all i got for now...
they are about 3 weeks old in these.

Curly Fry:



Marley Jr.:

and finally… Simba (the picture doesn't show the spot on his head)

I have a chick that looks like the 1st 1 i hatched in a incabator from one of my ee im new so not sure but they look like?

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