What will it take?!


Sudden Reptile Fanatic
5 Years
Jul 8, 2018
So, one of my precious blue Orpington hens was being WAY over mated by a 7 month old cockerel (figures :rolleyes:) She was absolutely raw on her back (no open cuts just skin showing) I took the cockerel out (keep in mind she can’t even see him) and she is scraping feathers out of her chest trying to get out to find a rooster.... I don’t have a ROOster just cockerels... What will it take for this crazy hen to regain all her pretty feathers? :barnie

@aart @Eggcessive @EggSighted4Life @Gray Farms @casportpony @kwhites634
It may take until her annual molt, but I would suggest increasing her protein intake for awhile. Soft canned cat food is always a favorite! What do you feed your flock? Flock Raiser or Grower is always a great staple. Good luck!
She is around 4-5 Year’s old, I feed All flock & 16% protein layer pellets/mash. She used to be such a rich blue color and now she is all dull.... I’m mean I took the cockerel away to help her and she’s making it worse!
If they weren't pulled out completely they might not come in again until molt.

Some people use hen saddles/aprons. I keep my young stags separate (might even process for eating)... let them pace. :tongue I might allow limited access, meaning for just a few hours daily (not first thing in the AM as that seems to be one of the times boys really wanna spread their seed), every other day, or weekly. Maybe even a rooster tie out station where females can come be serviced as they desire but in control of how many times they approach. Does your Orp have other hen friends? Give her time, she will settle down. Good luck! :fl
My mother Inlaw had kinda the same thing happen only the rooster was just wwaayyyy too rough. After her next molt she should be fine. If bare skin is showing, I know my mother in law sprayed blu-kote.....spelling could be wrong. Imma guy spelling isnt my thing. Even autocorrect says ?huh? Sometimes. Lol anyway. She sprayed them with that bc from what I hear is when they have no feathers they are very sensitive
If they weren't pulled out completely they might not come in again until molt.

Some people use hen saddles/aprons. I keep my young stags separate (might even process for eating)... let them pace. :tongue I might allow limited access, meaning for just a few hours daily (not first thing in the AM as that seems to be one of the times boys really wanna spread their seed), every other day, or weekly. Maybe even a rooster tie out station where females can come be serviced as they desire but in control of how many times they approach. Does your Orp have other hen friends? Give her time, she will settle down. Good luck! :fl
She has 3 other hen friends. I’ll posy pictures later.
My mother Inlaw had kinda the same thing happen only the rooster was just wwaayyyy too rough. After her next molt she should be fine. If bare skin is showing, I know my mother in law sprayed blu-kote.....spelling could be wrong. Imma guy spelling isnt my thing. Even autocorrect says ?huh? Sometimes. Lol anyway. She sprayed them with that bc from what I hear is when they have no feathers they are very sensitive
Haha it’s okay I can’t spell very well either!

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