What WON'T your chickens eat?

Fuzzy caterpillars is about the only think that moves they don’t eat. Total bummer in years where Gypsy moth caterpillars go crazy.

Other than that, about all they won’t eat are hard uncooked veggies like potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, whole carrots, asparagus, etc.

They’ll eat those things cooked to soften them up (although I don’t give them much onion).
Other than that, about all they won’t eat are hard uncooked veggies like potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, whole carrots, asparagus, etc.

I tossed some too-sprouty-to-salvage sweetpotatoes into the pen thinking that they'd eat the sprouts and I'd pick up the potatoes in a few days. I ended up leaving them longer because of heavy rain and found that the chickens were slowly pecking into them. It took them a couple weeks but they did eat them.
I tossed some too-sprouty-to-salvage sweetpotatoes into the pen thinking that they'd eat the sprouts and I'd pick up the potatoes in a few days. I ended up leaving them longer because of heavy rain and found that the chickens were slowly pecking into them. It took them a couple weeks but they did eat them.

Thanks for sharing...I’ll leave them there and see if the decide they like them. If they don’t eat them they’ll become worm food...and my flock likes worms!

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