What would u do?? Craigslist Creeper....

Oh my. Here in Ohio, there is a Craig's List serial killer who has been captured and is on trial now. I know this might not be as serious, but you never know.....I would block his number at the very least! I wonder if CL has an administrator that you could notify.....

Be very careful! (I know you have....)

Take care,
Report him honey! Men like that can get dangerous REAL fast. Getting into the habit of carrying something like bear-spray couldn't hurt either.
You did right by insisting on meeting him in public and taking a friend. I do believe you should report him. Just in case. That way if he tries anything you already have it on file that he has been acting suspicious. Also it will make the police officer's job easier should he do something to someone else.

You also did right by setting boundaries with him right away.
Report him regardless if he texts again... he'll just keep doing it until he finds a girl gullible enough to show up alone or go where he wants. He's a preditor and must be stopped!! BTW, he probably was there, and saw that you had a friend.
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Report it to the police.Remind them of the MANY craiglist killers. There chance to prevent someone from getting hurt.If they don't it is on them whatever happens.
ya im ganna report him. there was a craiglist killer here where i live years ago. i think hes on death row. but ive never had this happen before and im alway carful about people on craigslist. i never have them come to my house. i have his phone number on my phone and his signiture on there says *Ben loves Cindy* and he told me the town he lives in. soo that should help the police alittle bit

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