What would u do?? Craigslist Creeper....

X 2 definately. I agree with another poster, he probably was at the 'meeting place' and saw that there was a guy with you. This could very well be a real bad guy.
ya i took a different way home and stopped at my friends house for a while then went to my house. luckly i live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and where i live all the homes are cramed packed togeather. soo if i have problems i can go in the backyard and go to the neighbors yard and go in there backdoor. im allowed over there whenever. soo im on the lookout for the day.
Here's the list on who to report him to
1. Police
2. Craigslist
3. Phone carrier to block #
4. Email provider if he has emailed.
5. Parents and friends- just because it's good to let others know this is happening so they can watch your back.

And it would be a good idea to make a posting on craigslist with his # and responding info to warn other posters. People like this thrive off your emotins, anger or fear, so if he calls, keep your emotions to a minimum and tell him that you have notified everyone you can think of about his harassment and that if he does not leave you alone you will have the police find out who he is and press charges. Be just matter of fact. Do not get upset or emotional. These creeps love reactions like that.

Anyway, it's unlikely that he will do anything other than in his own head, so that can be a comfort, but it's always good to cover all your bases just in case.

And try not to let this creep ruin your day
i didnt sound scared on the phone i made sure of that. im ganna go down to the police station in a bit after i get off the phone with my parents. i just found out theres a killer on the loose aroung here that kills girls soo that kinda creeped me out a bit now. i for sure goin to the police about this
Not sure if it were suggested or not. I myself would probably save the text messages. Anything a person says can be looked over, especially as a teen as many people do not recognize us as responsible or trustworthy. Proof on the other hand, different story there.

Could just be I like to make sure I have everything I may need. When it comes to legal situations especially, I plan to be prepared.

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